Friday, November 25, 2011

Best Ways to Anti-inebriation

Headache----drink water with honey. That can really help you . Dizziness---drink tomato juice. That can really help you . Sickness----eat fresh group. That can really help you . Fever-------drink watermelon juice. That can really help you .

Once you keep all the tips above, you can really handle your drunk embarrassment and make your drunk situation more easily to get through.

But if you are already drunk what would you do? Just eat the meat, egg, tofu, any kind of fruit. If you are in a emergency situation, just to pick throat or do something to make you vomit.

1. Drinking milk or yogurt about half hour ahead of drinking. milk and yogurt can help to build protective films on the stomach the walls to reduce the alcohol entering into blood so as to decrease the drunk chances.

2. Take some high concentration dietary fiber vitamin pills before your drinking. That vitamin pill swells quicking by touching the water and releases quite a lot cations. this can help to encase the alcohol molecules and guide them to be excreted from the body without entering into the digestion circulatory system so as to reduce the risks.

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All the best ways to stop some bad things happening is precautionary. So is to anti-inebriation. If you do not want to be drunk, you may need to do things list below.

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After drunk many people would get headache, dizziness, sickness and fever. If you are facing the same problem do not be hurry to see the doctor. just do what i said below.

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