Friday, December 16, 2011

The Meaning Of Heart Jewelry Today

So when you wear a piece of jewelry with a heart on it, even if you are wearing it just to beautify yourself, it may also send some signals to the people around you like a poem of the Sufi mystic, that the world is in need of love.

In times like during the Vietnam War, people wear peace signs to let everyone know that peace is needed. It now seems that we are in different times, perhaps a little graver. What is now being demanded is love, to put an end to all forms of hatred. The message of the Great Sufi Saint Rumi has been positively greeted by Moslems, Christians, Buddhists, and Hindus alike. It seems that everyone has come to agree that what the world really needs now is love.

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In the Bible, the Apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthians that there is faith, hope, and love, and that the greatest of the three is love. UNESCO marked 2007 as the International Year of Rumi to commemorate the 800th Anniversary of the birth of Mawlana Jalal-ud-Din Balkhi-Rumi, the great Persian poet who wrote about and also preached love. The UN Secretary General remarked that not only is Rumi's poetry timeless, but its celebration at the United Nations is 'extremely timely'. The reason behind the UN Chief's remarks is quite evident. He, like Saint Paul and Michael, was telling us that what the world needs is love, that only love can now salvage mankind, and that the time has arrived for the hearts to take control.

One reason why heart jewelry has come back to fashion these days is maybe because of what the heart symbol represents and also because of the times we now live in. We live in an era where we are torn by wars and terror of many sorts. This is not a place to go into details but very few will disagree that there are now very few places in the world where we can say it is a hundred percent safe. To use the words of Michael Jackson, the late Pop King, it seems what the world really needs is to be healed, to be turned into a much better place. And many will also agree that what the world needs is a little more something that comes from the heart, something called love.

ruby jewelry |By Troy Tun on September 07, 2010

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